Each Saturday to 30 April, 12noon – There will be a gallery talk each Saturday throughout the show starting at 12 noon (about 25 minutes duration).
Sun 10 April, 1.30–2.45pm – Lenkiewicz-trained painter Louise Courtnell will give a demonstration of self-portrait technique, explaining Lenkiewicz’s method for creating the illusion of three dimensions using tones, or shades of light and dark.
Sun 10 April, 3.30–4.15pm – Fotonow CIC presents an artist talk with, PHD photography student, Elizabeth Orcutt. Orcutt will discuss themes that have arisen during her practice-based research in self-portraiture and will pose the question: ‘In a world increasingly engorged with ‘selfies’, how do we understand the concept of self-portraiture?’
Image: Self by Louise Courtnell. 2010, oil on canvas, 350 x 300 mm.